Sunday 27 November 2016

Smart Technology...Simplified

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, some people like to call me Liz. I graduated from Sheridan College back in 2015 and started working at Smart Wheel Canada in July 2016. I love helping people and working in the community. When I found Smart Wheel Canada and looked at their values and their mission I was so excited because we matched in more ways than one. Now you know a little about me let’s get started.

This blog is all about smart balancing technology. What is smart technology first off? Well to answer that question, smart balancing technology is technology that does most of the work for you, in my opinion.

Google says that smart balancing technology means; A self-balancing scooter. A self-balancing scooter or self-balancing two-wheeled board, commonly referred to as a "hoverboard", is a type of portable, rechargeable battery-powered scooter. They typically consist of two wheels arranged side-by-side, with two small platforms between the wheels, on which the rider stands.

A few people I have talked to weren’t really sure what “Smart Balancing Technology” is. Take a look at some of the things people said.

“Technology that doesn’t require humans to put any effort into balancing. It doesn’t require us to balance, its stands on its own two feet so to speak. However I feel that it is in its early stages and it has a lot more potential to be more than just technology that is found in just Segways and hoverboards. The applications are endless for self-balancing technology.” - Cody Evans

“I would think of things like the hover boards. Something that is able keep itself upright or centred on its own.” - Melissa Huson

“When I think of self-balancing Technology I would assume that it's something that stays centered.” - Katie Brown

“Self-balancing technology is what adjusts the wheel speed in an attempt to get in sync with your body and keep you upright.” - Clarke Perry

“If I had to guess I'd say its technology that regulates its own processes depending on how much it's needed.” – Caleb McCarroll-Butler

“Finding the balance to not let yourself be controlled by what is on line and still have your own thoughts and ideas.” – Connor Adkins

“Self Balancing Technology to me has 2 definitions depending on the context. First, I see it as technology that adapts and changes based on what it is being used for. Like a computer chip that can tell what programs are used most often so it changes to those programs so that they are open when it boots up but it doesn't start programs that are not used as much.  Second, I think it could be technology that balances the self. Like, a pace maker or a chip in someone’s brain that balances them chemically.” – Riley Danforth

“It means technology in objects that usually will fall over don't fall over.” – Anonymous

To summarize all this, not many people know what Smart Balancing Technology is other than that its technology that is smart and does the work for you. So what is “Smart Balancing Technology” really?

The Technology

Smart Devices such as hoverboards, one wheeler, personal transportation all work with the same technology, or similar technology. They sense the lean of the rider with the assistance of five micro-machined angular rate sensors and two accelerometers that sense the angle of the device with respect to gravity at 100 times per second. It balances the rider by applying forces to the ground in the direction of the lean.

Background of the technology

Smart Balancing Technology is also called self-balancing technology and self-balancing scooters, those are all different names that are all based off electronic gyroscope balance technology. That technology is used in drones, smart phones and was first used by Segway in 1999 for personal transporters.

The Technology in a nut shell.

The tilt sensors in the wheels tell the gyroscopes how far forward you’re leaning. The gyroscopes relay this information to the logic board.

The more you’re leaning forward, the faster the logic board tells the motors to spin, to sort of “catch up” with your center of gravity. It’s this simple (yet very clever) mechanism which allows you to control the cruising speed of the scooter with your weight.

How do you feel about this technology? Leave a comment and let me know.

Look for my next blog: It doesn’t Float!

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